Tlön translates online content related to effective altruism, existential risk, and global priorities research into multiple languages.
Comprehensive repository of Spanish translations of key readings in effective altruism.
Spanish translation of An Introduction to Longtermism, an online introduction to longtermism by Fin Moorhouse.
Spanish translation of An Introduction to Utilitarianism, an online introduction to modern utilitarianism by Richard Yetter Chappell, Darius Meissner and William MacAskill.
Interviews with Spanish-speaking experts working on some of the most important problems of the century, in collaboration with Laura González Salmerón and Pablo Melchor.
Aggregator of EA-related content, tracking several hundred blogs, podcasts, video channels, and other sources.
Translation repositories in various languages, including French, Italian, Korean, Japanese and Arabic.
Database of EA-related translations in all major languages and resources for translators.